Thank you for visiting.

Please leave comments for Kristin on the blog pages or below. If you ask a question, she will try to answer it. Be sure to “subscribe” and include your email address so the answers will come directly to you.

65 Responses to “Contact”

  1. 1 Hunt April 15, 2019 at 6:54 PM

    This is bernie’s favorite niece. She sent me your book for my birthday. I am a dog lover and in your book you said what your dog was thinking about and I could tell my dog would be saying the same thing. Thank you for the message you wrote. Awesome story. Couldn’t put it down.

  2. 3 Dave Schrader June 19, 2013 at 4:14 PM

    I would love to interview you on our show about your book, Beauty in the Beasts: True Stories of Animals Who Choose to Do Good. Please contact me to arrange an interview. Our audience would love it.
    Dave Schrader

  3. 5 Helen Baldwin April 21, 2013 at 8:41 PM

    Hello kistin, I just finished reading for bea. In January I had to put my beagle Lucy Lou to sleep. She was suffring from congestive heart failure. I had tryed everything to keep her with me. My vet told me she would let me know when her body had enough. On january 5th she let me know. I stayed with her for a longtime. after she was already gone. I just was so broken hearted Lucy was my baby she was by my side all the time she even slept between me and my husba d. I miss her so much it was the hardest decision I have ever had to make but I knew it was the best for her. She wasn’t a lab dog like yours but I rescured her from the pound she was only 10 years old. The vet sent me a card with the poem The Rainbow Bridge. I know my little girl will be there waiting for me. Lucy passed on the anniversary of my fathers passing I know he was waitin for her and she probably ran into his arms, it gives me comfort to know he is taking care of her for me. Thank you for your story it was an amazing journey . Helen Baldwin

    • 6 Kristin von Kreisler April 22, 2013 at 9:33 AM

      Helen, I’m so sorry about your dear Lucy Lou. Of course, putting her down WAS the hardest decision, but she did let you know she needed to move on. You must be so sad. As I read your message, though, I kept thinking how wonderful it was that you rescued her from the pound. Imagine if she’d been left there! You gave her a wonderful life that was full of love, and I hope with time that you’ll find another little beagle who needs you. Know that I am thinking of you and sending you all my support. Thank you for writing. Kristin

  4. 7 Theresa Aulig July 12, 2012 at 12:55 PM

    Hi Kristin,
    awesome website!
    I’ll look at it closely later and send it to my animal friends.
    I’ve tried to send you an email but I have your old earthlink address,
    You might not remember me – we corresponded for a while after you moved to WA; I’m in OR now.
    Any way – I’m trying to do something for Jeff,
    if you are interested please send me an email

    hope you are doing great!
    Theresa (Aulig)

  5. 9 dragracers2 May 7, 2012 at 8:42 AM

    Thanks so much for your recent coment on my blog, The Pen Temptress, Kristin. I’m now following you. I’d love to stay in touch. Have a blessed day!

  6. 13 Patricia Polunas April 27, 2012 at 5:52 AM

    Thank you, Kristin. You’re message did reach me. Have a wonderful NYC trip. (I lived and worked in NYC until my early twenties.)

  7. 14 Patricia Polunas April 21, 2012 at 9:32 AM

    Hi Kristin … just got back from vet (once again) for Snoopy’s Sub-Q or is it Cu? fluid treatment and Sashes’ annual visit. Poor Sashi has been on the back burner for a few months, but she said she doesn’t mind that it’s been mostly about Snoo. The very good news (not to say great because the vets still feel it’s temporary) is that Snoopy is doing well. He has his beagle appetite back and takes to his 3X a week treatments with patience (and a few treats here and there to get him through). He even looks for his toys on occasion and has lots of energy. Loves to take late night walks, which is the best time for sniffing. I couldn’t ask for more from where we were over a month ago with the diagnosis and prognosis … I will be forever grateful and as much as I spend quality time with my beags every day, this spring has had more meaning for me with both of them. Thank you again for your support and encouragement last month. Trish, Snoopy & Sashes
    P.S. Our senior cats, Sunshine, 17 1/2 and Princess, almost 14 wanted me to say hello for them too!

    • 15 Kristin von Kreisler April 26, 2012 at 6:32 PM

      Trish, what fabulous news!!! I am thrilled that little Snoopy is doing well and you’ve had such good time with him. I told you that beagles rise like Phoenixes from ash heaps! Forgive me for taking so long to write to you. I am in NYC and not sure if my iPhone will record this comment on my blog, but I wanted to try. Take care, and enjoy your dear beasties. I am cheering for Snoopy!

  8. 16 John Stokes March 28, 2012 at 6:16 PM

    Hello Kristin,

    I just happened to find your blog and I am glad to say that Osceola, the Bald Eagle is doing great. I have recently worked with him (doing programs) in Chattanooga and Wabasha, Minnesota. I am going to get to work with him more in the coming months and hopefully, by the end of the year, he’ll be back in my care again. I have a website people can visit at and the website of the organization for which I now work is I still have people mention the Reader’s Digest story “The Bravest Eagle” that you wrote about Osceola. I thank you very much for that article and it was a pleasure working with you!

    John Stokes

    • 17 Kristin von Kreisler March 28, 2012 at 9:15 PM

      John! How fantastic to hear from you. Just recently someone wrote to me at my blog and mentioned you and the fabulous work you have done with Oceola. (If you look at the comments section on February 14, you can see her message.) I have thought of you so many times since our adventures with Oceola in Tennessee. Until my dying day, I will never forget hang gliding with you! I’m delighted to hear that you’re still working with Oceola — thank goodness he may soon be back in your care. Your website was splendid, especially the video of your flight with him. I loved seeing how attentive he was as he got to soar over the earth again! Thank you so much for letting me know how you and he are doing. Take care.

    • 19 John Stokes October 29, 2012 at 8:29 AM

      Hello Kristin,

      I have finally finished my book, An Eagle’s Sky, My Life as a Birdman. It follows my life and the events that led to me flying with Osceola, the one-winged Bald Eagle. Of course, you are very familiar with Osceola since you wrote the wonderful article for Reader’s Digest in December, 1997, entitled “TheBravest Eagle”. My book is currently available as an e-book through Smashwords at this link: Visitors to the link can download the first 40% of the book for free. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it. Thank you for all you do!

      John Stokes

  9. 20 Patricia Polunas March 16, 2012 at 12:56 PM

    After 3 p.m. … Dear Kristen … Your words yesterday about beagles rising, etc. ring true. Spent the night and morning in tears and trying to find the right thing to do after getting home from the vet. I just didn’t feel it was right, but the two vets who spoke with me over the phone yesterday kept talking about his “numbers’ being so high that to prolong his life would only hurt him. Went to his vet this morning (a different one from the two he had seen) and she looked at him and said ‘No, not today.” She explained numbers can be deceiving and that each dog reacts differently. She gave him sub Q fluids and told me to look for good days and bad days and not to feel torn by the numbers. Snoopy came home and ate an entire bowl of food!!! I am grateful and appreciate this extension and although we are still on somewhat of a tight-rope, we have a little more time. Many years ago, after adopting him, Snoopy was diagnosed with Ehrlichia and the vet at the specialized hospital was amazed because his levels were very high and he thought he’d be examining a dog on his last leg, but instead found Snoopy in the kennel wagging his tail and smiling! Thank you again for your support throughout the last several days. Trish

    • 21 Kristin von Kreisler March 18, 2012 at 8:26 PM

      Trish, that’s great news! Little Snoopy lives! We used to give sub Q fluids to our kitties, after which they would eat like vultures because they felt so much better. I’m sure that’s how Snoopy is. The fluids aren’t hard to give. If you need to do it every few days, he’ll get used to them. I am so happy that you made the right decision and will have more time with him. Thank you so much for letting me know. You’ve been much on my mind. Take care.

  10. 22 Patricia Polunas March 15, 2012 at 2:39 PM

    Thank you for writing Kristin. It’s time to make a decision. Snoopy is in kidney failure and the doctor said we could try giving him IV to flush his kidneys which would require 3 nights away from home in a cage at the hospital. There aren’t any guarantees that he will survive this. My heart can’t do that. Snoopy, we believe was a lab beagle and has always hated needles. My heart can’t let him go either which is my other decision. I appreciate your kindness and words of encouragement and consolation at the same time. For tonight, I will hear his gentle breath as I try to sleep and hope I can find peace with my decision tomorrow. Thank you again. Trish

    • 23 Kristin von Kreisler March 16, 2012 at 11:51 AM

      Trish, by now you’ve made a decision. I know it’s a horrible time for you, but I absolutely believe that whatever you decide to do will be right. You know that dear dog better than anyone, and you love him. As agonizing as the decision is, you will be trying to do what’s best for him. He certainly couldn’t ask for more than that. I will be thinking of you. Be brave! You aren’t alone.

  11. 24 Patricia Polunas March 15, 2012 at 3:24 AM

    Hello Kristin … Turned to your book For Bea which I read several years ago with both of my beagles sitting beside me on the sofa as I face the very strong possibility that my male beagle, Snoopy may not live past this week. We adopted him from a local shelter January 15, 2001. He was about 4 and had so many health issues the shelter “discounted” his fee to half. Snoopy is a joy despite serious illnesses which he always has been able to overcome. This time, he struggles with getting back on his paws, as I do watching my “little clown” grow weaker and weaker. He has had kidney disease since 2006 but this never got him down. With a turn of his head, he’d sit next to his sister Sashes (my female beagle) and look for a food handout. He has always been agreeable and fun, while limited in his agility but this has never stopped him from enjoying life, playing with his toys in his toy box up until 2 weeks ago, and getting into Snoopy trouble like eating library books inadvertently left next to my husband’s reading chair. He’s the first dog I’ve had who actually will bury a favorite toy either outside or somewhere in the house he feels is safe. His nose replaces real or imagined soil on top of his treasures. We’ve been sharing quality time even more than usual this week and as you know, it is so hard seeing my happy go lucky boy declining. I have been through this before and have been there for my grown children whose pets pass through to the rainbow bridge, however the hurt is exactly the same as it was the very first time with my very first beloved pet. I know, I understand, I will have to accept, and right now I have to be hopeful that my Snoo will once again overcome this challenge.

    Love to you and yours … Trish, Sashes and Snoopy ;)

    • 25 Kristin von Kreisler March 15, 2012 at 10:30 AM

      Trish, thank you so much for writing. I’m so sorry that you’re having such a hard time with your dear Snoopy. I could feel the sadness between your message’s lines, and certainly I understand it.

      I had two thoughts: One is that beagles often rise like phoenixes from ash heaps. So many times we thought that Bea (and now Phoebe) was near death, but then she came through. I am hoping so much that it will be the same for Snoopy and he’ll surprise you with renewed health.

      My other thought is joy for your connection to each other. Thank goodness you found him just when he was desperate for a home. I’m sure he’s given you years of pleasure, just as you gave him security and love. Your friendship has been a small miracle.

      If you do have to let go of Snoopy, I hope you will find Sashes another sibling. Taking in a new needy creature is the only antidote to the pain of loss, or so I’ve found so many times. Take care. I will be thinking of you and hoping all is well.


  12. 26 Joanie February 14, 2012 at 11:42 AM


    Just had to write you. I finished your wonderful book about sweet Bea last week–thank you for sharing this deeply moving story with the rest of the world. I’m writing to tell you that you mentioned Osceola in the book–the eagle who could no longer fly on his own because of a broken wing. His caretaker changed his world when he took him “flying” again on a hang glider.

    I met Osceola’s caretaker, John, at Dollywood, and was forever moved by their story. What a wonderful man he was to do that for an eagle. Years later, I tried to get in touch with John again to see Osceola once more, but he had moved to California. I often wonder if anyone took up the mantle after he moved to allow Osceola to continue to experience the feeling of soaring in the sky. I still think about that special bird.


    • 27 Kristin von Kreisler February 14, 2012 at 1:14 PM

      Thank you so much for your message, Joanie. I’m so glad you enjoyed reading about Bea.

      I, too, was greatly moved by John’s work with Osceola and really enjoyed interviewing him for a Reader’s Digest article. He even persuaded me to go hang gliding to experience how Osceola felt in the sky! I didn’t know that John moved to California. He was such a fine person that I’m sure he made excellent arrangements for Osceola’s care, though I’m not sure anyone else would have been willing to take him flying again. I, too, think about that wonderful bird. Thank goodness some people care as much about birds as John does!

  13. 28 Shannon Petrosky November 7, 2011 at 2:32 PM

    Kristin, I was wondering if you ever do lectures or seminars? I work at the Virginia Living Museum and we are looking to start up a seminar series. I would be most interested in talking with you about any opportunities there might be for our guests to hear about your passion for the animal kingdom.

    Thank you!

  14. 30 Pat October 30, 2011 at 2:35 PM

    I was so very sorry to read about your dogs’ surgeries and medical trials of several weeks ago. I hope they are now both fully recovered, at home and doing well.

    I am trying to establish a grass roots group of people in Southern California to write a ballot initiative for the California State elections that would ban the use of dogs and cats in labratory experiments. I’m sure it was Divine Intervention that led me to “for Bea” at the public library yesterday. I didn’t go to research our cause I went in for pleasure reading. And I found myself in front of your book. Needless to say I read for less than 24 hours. I have 5 rescued dogs; I have volunteered at government shelters until I felt I could take no more in that faced certain death if I did not rescue them. And I encountered lab experimentation on beagles (to the point of death) while visiting Amgen the drug company, when I was there for a work assignment less than a year ago Ever since that day, faced with the reality of it, (especially the cruel irony of using such friendly and docile dogs) I have a passion to help initiate change that I cannot shake. I was wondering if you might join us in the quest to try and get this on the voter’s ballot? Pehaps there is a person or organization you are familiar with in Northern California that would be a good point person for our efforts there? Your book certainly provides a lot of facts and educates dog lovers as to the toll it takes on the very limited number of dogs that end up free from the abuse. I know that all animals deserve to be free of labratory use/abuse, but such encompassing change takes place one step at a time, and I believe our family pets may be the first step toward more significant change. More than 50% of California homes have one or more pets and the vast majority are dogs or cats or both. It’s a start to insure our government regulated labratories acknowledge them as companion animals not product testers or test models.
    Thank you for your dedication to the animals.

  15. 31 Shanna Burchell September 28, 2011 at 3:24 AM

    Not being computer facile, think I lost my lst attempt…sorry. Friends found a used copy of “The Compassion of Animals” and gave it to me. I loved it!Glad to see you are still writing and doing…May get a couple of vignettes to you soon…Typing difficult…recovering from a broken arm…@ 84 ’tis a slow process!

  16. 32 Geri Colloton July 28, 2011 at 7:14 AM

    Dear Kristin,

    I just finished reading “For Bea”. I am so happy that you found Bea and that she had such a great life with you and your husband.

    Thank you for all you do for animals.

  17. 34 Rosemarie Sellner July 12, 2011 at 7:17 PM

    Hi Kristin,

    I have saved alot of animals over the years and was delighted by your stories. I have a bit of a different experience with animals because I have ESP. (I’ve done tv, radio etc shows) YES, they do have feelings. I was once walking through a small carnival and was overwhelmed by a wave of sad depression and when I whipped around to try and find who was sending out these emotions I found an elephant tied to a round “walking” path giving rides to people. Such pain! The funniest story I have for you is when I went swimming with dolpins in Mexico. I wanted to see if they would pick up on my thoughts and sent out the thoughts of how beautiful I thought they were, how much I loved them and all around admiration for them. I noticed they started swimming circles around me and as they came up to my side they would turn and show me their tummys’. I finally had to contact a research center to ask what this behavior was saying. It seems they were putting the moves on me. I had to laugh realizing if I had treated a date that way the same thing would have happened. I still laugh when I watch the tape. Keep the stories and the love coming…someday maybe everyone will see the value in these people with 4 legs and a tail.


    • 35 Kristin von Kreisler July 13, 2011 at 8:30 AM

      Thank you for your message, Rosemarie. It breaks my heart to think about that poor elephant. Of course, depression would radiate from him. And lucky you to be swimming with dolphins, whether they present their tummies or not! As you suggested, the “people with four legs and a tail” have tremendous value, and my life’s work is to show it.

    • 36 michelle smith January 13, 2012 at 2:59 AM

      Dear Kristin,
      I am a psychic medium,I am in the process of organising seminars and lectures with other professionals in my field.
      I would like to include a seminar about animals and their psychic abillities,
      I would like to know if it is possible that you might know of a professional
      in this field that you can refer to me who lives in sydney australia. I have many a story that i would like to share with you unfortunately i have just purchased my first computer and i am still learning . If you could email me any details and a contact number it would be easier for me.

      kind regards

  18. 40 Matt Beswick July 4, 2011 at 11:15 PM

    Hi Kristin,

    I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know about our latest dog infographic, which can be seen at and follows on from last month’s dog world records post (

    It took us a long time to put together (the research involved just over 1000 dog owners) but we’re really proud of it so would love you to feature us on your blog if you like what we’ve done :)

    If you have any questions or feedback, please give me a shout (or woof!)



  19. 41 Jessica Waite June 28, 2011 at 12:59 PM

    Dear Kristin,
    A couple of months ago, I finished reading Beauty in the Beasts. As an AP Biology student and dog lover myself, I could relate to both sides of the arguments. Some of it must be science, yes, but some of it HAS to be love. Then something happened to me that pushed me to one side of the argument.

    One month ago, we took in a little dog who was about to be dropped off at the shelter. Coincidentally, I named her Bea. She’s a little terrier mix, and gets along with our big pit bull mix Bart just fine. Bart was supposed to be my dog when we got him, but he immediately bonded with my dad. So, I expected taking Bea home to be the same. Not so. Bea cries if she can’t find me, and has learned to open doors specifically so she can get to me. She follows me everywhere and sleeps on my bed with me.

    Last Saturday, I was home alone when I burst into tears. I have Panic Attack Disorder, and I knew a panic attack was coming on. I began to scream that I was dying. Bart began to walk around the house, trying to find what was upsetting me (as he does when I cry). Bea, however, jumped onto my bed and did something she’s never done before – she brought me her favorite blanket. This calmed me down enough so that I could walk to the medicine cabinet and find my medication. I returned to my bed and Bea waited for me. She slept by my side until I was able to get up again.

    You were right. All animals must have some sense of compassion.

    Jessica Waite

    • 42 Kristin von Kreisler June 28, 2011 at 3:04 PM

      Jessica, thank goodness your Bea was there for you. And isn’t it wonderful that she brought you her favorite blanket?! When animals reach out to us, they express their concern in the best way they know how. Bea was surely trying to bring you comfort, and she must have thought her blanket was the best way to do that. I never cease being thrilled by these examples of animal compassion. Thank you so much for writing, and I hope you have many happy years with your Bea (and Bart, too).

  20. 43 Kristin von Kreisler June 27, 2011 at 9:42 AM

    Thank you so much, Melissa. It always makes me happy when I know someone has enjoyed reading about Bea. It’s wonderful that you’ve rescued so many beagles yourself! Indeed, they are such special little dogs.

  21. 44 Melissa Martin June 27, 2011 at 8:07 AM

    I just finished your beautiful book about your beloved beagle, Bea. I have 3 rescue beagles now and we have had rescue dogs my whole life – all beagles! I love all dogs but there is something special about those little hounds. I am going to make it a point to read your other books, etc. Thank you for all you do for animals, especially beagles.

  22. 45 rolf April 27, 2011 at 7:35 PM

    Krissy…I always knew you would something significant,,,you were always soooo smart…I’m very impressed…I still work…too old to retire.

    • 46 Kristin von Kreisler May 1, 2011 at 11:52 PM

      Rolf! So wonderful to hear from you! I just got home from New York and found your message. I would think you shouldn’t retire because there must be many people who trust and rely on you. So keep working! Let’s stay in touch.

  23. 47 Kristin von Kreisler April 20, 2011 at 9:57 AM

    Christina, I know you will like Bea. Let me know if I can help you with anything. And thank YOU so much for your support of my work and my love of all creatures.

  24. 48 Christina Brundage April 15, 2011 at 10:23 AM

    I want to read your others and when I am done Brailling this one, I’ll see if I can get the others done too if they aren’t already. (There is a list of books needing to be done and if one wants to Braille one not on the list, it has to be approved.) Thanks so much for your writing and your love of our little friends.

  25. 49 Kristin von Kreisler April 15, 2011 at 9:22 AM

    Cristina, it IS sickening because the animals are often treated so badly. That’s what I learned from Bea. But my book about her is more a memoir than an argument, and it has only a final chapter about lab animals in a general sense and an appendix about what readers can do to help them. I tried hard to make the rest of the book a beautiful story. Hundreds of people have written to me about it, and that’s why I thought you might be interested. Wonderful that you are volunteering at a cat shelter!

  26. 50 Christina Brundage April 15, 2011 at 9:07 AM

    It’s “Beauty in the Beasts”, Kristin. I will have to read your others. The cat shelter I volunteer at took in 5 lab cats after the lab was raided for inhumane practices. Strangely, they didn’t act as I would have thought, as Bea did – they were hyper, pacing back and forth, apparently not frightened but abnormally restless. The lab was testing meds so I have a feeling the poor things were showing the effects of some medications. It is sickening.

  27. 51 Christina Brundage April 15, 2011 at 3:18 AM

    Kristin, thank you for your reply. I have permission to do it and am well into it now. A beautiful book – it ought to be required reading for those scientists who do research using animals.

    • 52 Kristin von Kreisler April 15, 2011 at 9:02 AM

      Wonderful news, Cristina. I’m so glad you’re already working with the book. I’m not sure which one it is. But since you said it should be required reading for scientists who do research using animals, I thought I should tell you about FOR BEA, a book I wrote about a lab beagle I found on the street. It took me years to get her to stop trembling from fear especially around men. But she became a fabulous companion and changed my life, which is the basis of the story. You can read about it on this site. Thank you so much for your interest in my work. If I can do anything to help you, let me know.

  28. 53 Christina Brundage April 14, 2011 at 1:31 PM

    Dear Kristin,
    I am a Braille transcriber for the Library of Congress. I asked them if I could do your book (we have to get permission for the ones done) because I wanted such a touching book to be available to the blind, especially as they are often the ones who know more than anyone how loving and dedicated animals can be. The only drawback, I have to stop to dry tears sometimes. Thanks so much for telling us what we animal people know is so clear and which scientists don’t seem to know. (But I think your explanation of why that is is very good.)

    • 54 Kristin von Kreisler April 14, 2011 at 9:50 PM

      Christina, thank you so much for your message. I will be delighted if one of my books is transcribed to Braille. I have been interviewed for radio for the blind several times in Seattle and once in Washington, D.C., and there seemed to be a lot of interest in my animal stories. Certainly, the blind can be very sensitive to their animal friends, as I learned when people called in to ask me questions while I was on the air. I’m happy to have received your message and hope to hear from you about whether permission was granted.
      With all good wishes to you,

  29. 55 March 6, 2011 at 9:23 AM

    Ms. Kriesler, my name is Mike Williams and I just finished your book, “For Bea”. I’ve been deployed to Afghanistan for almost a year now from my family (in the Air Force) and my wife accidentally came across your book in the bookstore and knew immediately she had to buy it for me. When I opened up my care package from her and saw the book, I immediately got a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. You see, back in Dec of 2009, shortly before I deployed, we lost our beloved Beagle of 12 years. Baron, or “B” as we often called him, was a truly special dog and my best friend since the day he picked me at the kennel.

    Your stories brought back a lot of great memories for me and like you, our B changed our lives for the better. While in Afghanistan I came across a very special dog living in the streets that reminded me very much of Baron and with the help of many people was able to get her to a better life back in the US. In addition, my wife and I are also helping open up a nonprofit animal rescue organization in our home town in Western NY. Again, thanks for the great story.

    Sincerely, Mike Williams, USAF

    • 56 Kristin von Kreisler March 6, 2011 at 11:07 AM

      Mike, thank you so much for writing! I am delighted that Bea made her way to you in Afghanistan. I will have to tell my friend Linda, a Barnes & Noble salesperson in New York, who has sold over a thousand copies of Bea and kept careful track of what countries she has traveled to. Linda will be delighted, too.

      Thank goodness you found Baron, and he found you. I hope you’ll get another beagle when you return to the States. It’s fantastic that you helped the dog in the streets there and that you and your wife are opening an animal rescue organization. Keep up the good work! And BE SAFE! I’ll be thinking of you and wishing you a good trip home.

      All the best to you,

      • 57 Stan Schmitt November 21, 2011 at 11:42 AM

        Ms. Kreisler, I am reading your book “The Compassion of Animals,” and I could not help remembering a trip we took to Wales years ago. In the village of Bedgellert there is a memorial to the dog, Gelert, and the story of his feat. You have undoubtedly heard this before, but if not, going from Google to Bedgellert will get the whole story. Thought you should know of this if you don’t already. The story certainly stuck in my mind.

        Stan Schmitt

  30. 59 Suzanne H. Kerr February 11, 2011 at 7:52 PM

    Hi Kristin, Your blog site is beautiful, and I’ve so enjoyed reading your thoughtful pieces. Everything you write is refreshing, insightful and good for the soul. I’ve recommended your site to several friends who are animal and nature devotees like you.

    All the best to you and John,


  31. 61 Becky Magnotta December 11, 2010 at 10:47 AM

    Hi Kristin,

    My cousin, Kathy, just sent me the address to your blog and I loved reading every bit of it, and have subscribed to learn more.

    My Mom and I thoroughly enjoyed tea with you and John in your lovely home.

    Best wishes on your blog and thank you for your insight and open spirit. I am now striving to be like your Hemingway begonia.



  32. 63 Mike Bogart December 8, 2010 at 3:56 PM

    While “Googling” to get back to your blog, I found another website that you might enjoy.

    You’re leaving us all eagerly awaiting your next post.

  33. 64 Leona Laouras December 6, 2010 at 9:14 PM

    Hi, Kristin,

    What a joy to read this blog with its expressions of such love and appreciation for nature and the creatures who enjoy it. Every good wish for success with the blog and all that you do.


  34. 65 sam graham November 7, 2010 at 9:59 AM

    Wonderful blog site and the actual blog content is most interesting. Keep it up, I am sure it is a chore to do.
    Bob (sg)

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